
Vampire: the Requiem (Second Edition)

Alla vampyrer har sitt sätt att handskas med rovdjuret inombords. Vissa håller den fjättrad och släpper den bara fri för att livnära sig på de svaga. Andra låter den löpa fritt och kanaliserar sitt uråldriga bestiala ursprung.

● Omärkt grav

Slag: Inget | Kostnad: 0 för jord annars X antal Vitae som motsvarar materialets Hållbarhet | Handling: Omedelbar

Med en knapp anmodan, öppnar sig marken under dina fötter och omfamnar dig. Du förenas med jorden och är näst intill osårbar. Du förblir här tills vidare, tills du känner att det är dags att kliva fram igen. Jord är inte ett krav. Betong fungerar också, så länge du har tjänare som kan mata dig i din viloplats.

Viloplatsen måste vara minst samma storlek som vampyren.

Du sjunker in i jorden med hela kroppen så lång tid du vill. När du väl är begraven märks du inte för omvärlden, men du själv kan behålla medvetandet om du vill. Du är då medveten om vad som händer med marken ovanför dig, till exempel om någon försöker hälla cement för att bygga en parkeringsplats ovanför din viloplats. Dina sinnen är intakta och du får vittring på andra vampyrers rovdjursutsrålning, men du tvingas aldrig till en reaktion. Tappar någon blod på ytan kan du absorbera den. Marken spär ut blodet till den grad att du inte kan bli bunden i blondsband, men för en hungrig eller starkt beroende vampyr kan bara ett smakprov driva ut en från sitt gömställe, törstande efter mer.

Det enda sättet att skada en begraven vampyr är att förstöra marken på något sätt. Du tar en poäng krosskada för varje "Strukturpoäng" ditt bo förlorar. När du tar din första poäng Dödlig skada klarar du inte av att hålla dig kvar och reser dig ur marken.

●● Rovdjursaspekt

Slag: Inget | Kostnad: 1 Vitae | Handling: Reflexiv | Varaktighet: 1 scen

All the vampire has to do is give in just a little bit, and her Beast can slip out through her flesh, warping her body into a monstrous form. While every Gangrel’s Beast is different, its manifestation usually takes inspiration from a predatory or scavenging animal of some form. Some twist their bodies to run on all fours like a wolf, while others take on the rough skin and strange senses of a shark.

By spending a point of Vitae, the vampire can manifest a small host of bestial traits. When she first learns Predatory Aspect, she picks three adaptations from the list below. From then on, she can manifest any or all of these changes for the rest of the scene by spending a point of Vitae.

If none of these adaptations make sense for the character, the player and Storyteller should work together to create new ones, using these as guidelines.

  • Aquatic: Growing webbed hands or slick scales, the vampire can swim at the same Speed she can run on land.
  • Claws: Sharp claws grow from the vampire’s fingers. They are 1L mundane weapons that use Brawl to attack.
  • Extra Sense: The Kindred grows extra sensory organs, giving her tremor sense, echolocation, or some other sense that allows her to “see” without using her eyes. Using this sense, she has a 360-degree field of vision.
  • Feral Senses: Taking on a hawk’s eyes or a dog’s sense of smell allows the vampire to hear heartbeats and see or smell blood as though her Blood Potency were two dots higher.
  • Patagia: By growing a flap of leathery skin between her arms and torso, the vampire can glide — as long as she falls at least ten yards (ten meters), she can travel thirty yards (thirty meters) horizontally, and she takes no damage from the fall.
  • Prehensile Tail: The vampire grows a long, prehensile tail. She can use it to grab things as though it were an extra arm, though it doesn’t have a hand and can’t be used for fine-motor tasks like unlocking a door or firing a gun.
  • Quadripedal: Longer arms and shorter legs allow a vampire to run on all fours like a cheetah or wolf. When running on all fours, add +4 to her Speed and double all jump distances.
  • Wall Crawling: The vampire grows hundreds of tiny insect legs, claws on his feet, or barbed hairs on his body that allow him to move freely across walls and ceilings without an Athletics roll.

A character can change her adaptations by spending a day in her Unmarked Grave and spending one point of Vitae for each adaptation she wants to replace. When she changes adaptation, the player should work to maintain the theme of a specific predatory creature — though she may pick a different predator to copy when the vampire’s adaptations change.

●●● Rovdjurshamn

Slag: Inget | Kostnad: 2 Vitae | Handling: Omedelbar | Varaktighet: Tillsvidare

The Beast can warp a vampire’s flesh, taking the form of an animal that she has consumed. Her body warps and shifts, growing extra muscle or folding in on itself until she fully resembles an animal she has consumed. The Beast will not give her the form of prey — her new skin must resonate with her predatory nature in some way.

Her flesh ripples and warps as the vampire takes on the form of an animal. She must have consumed the beast — killing it by feeding from it. She can only take on the form of predatory animals, carrion-eaters, plague-carrying beasts, and parasites between Size 1 and 7. A vampire can keep a number of forms ready equal to her dots in Protean; to add or replace one she must consume the appropriate beast then slumber for a full day and night in her Unmarked Grave.

In animal form, she takes on the beast’s Physical Attributes and Skills, and its Size, Speed, and Health. She can move and sense and attack in any way that the animal can — a shark can swim and bite and sense blood, while a rat can scurry and bite, and a crow can fly. She may be unable to use some Physical Merits at the Storyteller’s discretion. She can remain in her animal form indefinitely, but she still feels the need for blood burning within her, and sunlight still harms her.

While in animal form, the vampire can use her Disciplines as normal.

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