Gitta Sörensson


Första åren som invigd

Gitta har glidit längre och längre från sitt liv som människa. Inte bara för att hon har genomgått en fundamental förvandling utan även för att hon inte känner att hon har så mycket gemensamt längre med hennes gamla vänner.

Gittas mamma dog plötsligt för två år sen medan hon var ute på på tågluff i Thailand. Det var en stor shock för henne för de har alltid stått varandra nära. Gittas mamma, Solveig, Men den största shocken kom när Karin Björkbom kom fram till Gitta efter begravningen, tog henne åt sidan och gav henne ett nytt liv.

Karin Björkbom hade ett helt liv förberett för Gitta att bara kliva in i men Karin har hållit sin distans sen dess. Gitta jobbar på ett vaktbolag där hennes närmsta chef förstår hennes speciella omständigheter. Gitta har möjlighet att jaga reguljärt kring hennes arbetsplatser i stans. Hon har även fått en bekväm lägenhet i stan. Men Gitta har inte direkt pratat med Karin om varför det blev så här eller om någonting alls egentligen. De har ett väldigt distanserat förhållande.

Gitta har ett väldigt svart-och-vitt sätt att se på sin omvärld och saker och ting är antingen rätt eller fel. Hon älskar att dansa på nattklubbar och gör det fler nätter i veckan bara för att få känna sig som en del av ett samhälle som hon mer och mer inser att hon står utanför.


  • Hitta min hjärtefråga och driva den inom rörelsen. (Övergivit)
  • Skaffa pojkvän.
  • Varför invigdes just jag? (Check!)
  • Göra CH till Prins
  • Få över Karin på vår Agenda



Blodpotens 1

Du är en sann invigd, men bara knappt enligt vissa äldre. Ditt blod kan åstadkomma en hel del när det Väcka blodet.

  • Blodsvall: Lägg till 1T10 till ett valfritt Attribut när du aktiverar ett Blodsvall (V5 218).
  • Reparera skada: Du kan Reparera 1 plupp Ytlig Skada per gång du Väcker blodet.
  • VB-Omslag: Slå 2T10 och välj det högre resultatet när du Väcker blodet för Disciplinförmågor på nivå 1.
  • Bane Severity: You have a Bane Severity of 1.


C-H bandstyrka 1
Kia har druckit vid 1 tillfälle

Moral och Prövostenar

Humanity 8

You still feel pain for the hurts you and your kind inflict. Your human guise remains passable; the memories remain fresh, or new instincts for community spring up like green shoots from your long-dead soul.

Humanity 8 vampires can appear human in other regards:

  • You can roll two dice for the Rouse Check to use Blush of Life and take the highest result.
  • Blush of Life allows you to have sexual intercourse and perhaps even enjoy it.
  • Blush of Life allows you to digest and taste wine.
  • You can rise from day-sleep up to an hour before sunset if you wish.

Förmågor och fördelar

Fortfärdig (Fleet of Foot)

Kostnad: ● till ●● | Typ: Fysisk | Villkor: Strength ●●

+1 i Snabbhet per nivå. Oberoende av din kroppsbyggd så kan du springa väldigt snabbt.

Jag vet en kille (I Know a Guy)

Kostnad: ● | Typ: Social | Villkor: Carthian Status ●

Effect: When Carthians make Allies (see p. 118), their covenant acts as a sort of support network that bolsters the efficiency of those allies. Once per story, a Carthian may access temporary Retainer dots equal to their Allies. These Retainers act in the Carthian’s interest, just like any other Retainers. (Since Allies gained with Carthian Pull don’t really belong to the character as a Merit, they don’t count for purposes of I Know A Guy.)

Drawback: These Retainers represent the Allies group in question, and will serve its interests first and foremost. If the Carthian wants them to do something contrary to the group’s interest, she’ll need to manipulate, threaten, or otherwise risk her relationship with her Allies.


● Eyes of the Beast

The vampire can will a supernatural red gleam into their eyes, giving them sight even in the total absence of light.

  • Level: Protean 1
  • Cost: Free
  • System: No roll is required to activate Eyes of the Beast. While active the user ignores any sight penalties imposed by darkness, including supernatural. While active, the inhuman appearance of the eyes confers two bonus dice to Intimidation pools against mortals.
  • Duration: As long as desired

●● Feral Weapons

The vampire can extend their natural weapons to monstrous proportions. This usually takes the form of fingernails extending into wicked talons but can also come in other forms such as fangs elongating into veritable daggers, as from a gigantic serpent.

  • Level: Protean 2
  • Cost: One Rouse Check
  • System: No skill roll is needed to activate this power. When activated, the vampire adds a +2 modifier to their Brawl damage, and causes Aggravated Health damage to mortals. Superficial damage inflicted from Feral Weapons is not halved.
  • Duration: One scene

●●● Earth Meld

Becoming one with the soil, the vampire sinks into the earth. Unless in torpor, the vampire rises again the following night.

  • Level: Protean 3
  • Cost: One Rouse Check
  • System: No test is required, but the vampire must be on a natural surface: rocks, raw earth, grass, etc. This power does not work on concrete, asphalt, or other artificial surfaces. It takes a turn for the vampire to sink into the earth, leaving carried objects behind atop the soil. While in the earth the vampire is aware of their surroundings, except during day-sleep. At those times, disturbances (e.g., digging or loud noises) awaken them or not as with all vampires (p. 219).
  • Duration: One day or more, or until disturbed

●●● Shapechange

The vampire can assume the shape of an animal roughly the same size as their original mass. The vampire can only change into one type of animal (usually a wolf, sometimes a large feline or a giant snake), usually one associated with their clan or the type of prey they most commonly feed on. The animal, while usually a spectacular example of their species, shows no signs to a mundane observer of being supernatural.

  • Level: Protean 3
  • Cost: One Rouse Check
  • System: No test is required. The transformation takes one turn, during which the user may take no other actions. Upon transformation, the vampire gains the Physical Attributes, senses, and native Skills associated with that animal (see p. 373) and also gains that animal’s natural limits of communication, manipulation (most animals can carry one thing in their mouth), and so forth. The vampire can use other Disciplines, at the Storyteller’s discretion. (By and large, they can use Auspex, Animalism, Celerity, Fortitude, Potence, and Protean; many powers of Dominate, Obfuscate, and Presence pose problems; Blood Sorcery is completely off the table.)
  • Duration: One scene unless ended voluntarily before that


A man’s best friend is his dog. Many Kindred agree with the sentiment, retaining vicious yet obedient hounds to guard their properties or set loose on intruders.

Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Awareness 4, Brawl 6, Intimidation 4, Stealth 4

Special: Add +1 to damage done by guard dog bites.

●●●● Metamorphosis

This power grants an additional animal form to the user, this time also enabling them to change their size. Vampires most commonly metamorphose into bats, rats, unusually large insects, or snakes. (see p. 373)

  • Level: Protean 4
  • Prerequisite: Shapechange
  • Cost: One Rouse Check
  • System: Same as Shapechange.
  • Duration: One scene unless ended voluntarily before that


The Nosferatu’s favored creature, the rat, or swarm of rats, make for ideal messengers or spies when using the Animalism Discipline. When utilizing a swarm, add 3 to Health and all physical-based rolls.

Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Awareness 5, Brawl 3,
Stealth 8


● Resilience

Endowed with supernatural endurance, the user can strengthen their physical resolve.

  • Level: Fortitude 1
  • Cost: Free
  • System: The user adds their Fortitude rating to their Health track.
  • Duration: Passive

Gitta Sörensson

Gitta Sörensson
Spelare — Natalie
Koncept — Blodhund
Klan — Gangrel
Förbund — Rörelsen
Skapare — Karin Björkbom
Scenarion — Nattkvarter
Inträde — Nattkvarter
Citat — Men det är inte rätt!
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