Filip Konstantin Danielson

Filip Konstantin Danielovic föddes i Belgrad 1839. Han var redan som liten en klen pojke som inte såg mycket ut för världen. Vilken nog var gott så, då han knappast ägnade den mycken tid. Detta på grund av en egenhet som det tog lång tid för hans föräldrar att förstå och ännu längre tid att acceptera: han såg spöken. Termen är, om ni frågar Filip, naturligtvis otillräcklig för att förklara de existenser som befinner sig mellan världarna.

Filip försörjer sig till stor del som urmakare, ett yrke han ärvt från sin far och som han utför med stor entusiasm och tekniskt kunnande. Vid sidan av detta ägnar han sig åt det som ligger honom varmast om hjärtat: att hjälpa dem som är fast hos oss trots att de borde lämnat oss för länge sedan. Vissa kallar honom "spiritist" och andra "spökjägare". Själv ser han sig bara som en medmänniska: hjälp bör tillfalla de behövande varesig de är levande eller döda.

Specialområden: Mediala tjänster och mekaniskt handlag.

Filips dagbok

Bunden - i korthet

Du dog. För att få förlänga jordelivet ingick du då ett avtal med en gast som nu huserar i din kropp. Detta gör dig till en av De Bundna, ett tillstånd som medför ett vitt spektrum av övernaturliga förmågor och särskilda förutsättningar.

  • Besudlat blod — Eftersom ditt blod är utblandat med Plasma kan inte gifter och smittoämnen som tränger in där inte påverka dig. Alkohol och sådant som inte har en direkt skadlig inverkan på hälsan har fortfarande effekt.
  • Ektoplasmisk kropp — Plasman är det bränsle som driver en bundens kropp och representerar det nära bandet till din gast. Gasten har all anledning att vilja skydda sin värd, och därför kan Plasman utnyttjas till att stärka bandet låta gasten absorbera skada. När du tar skada kan du antingen stryka Hälsonivåer som vanligt eller reflexivt spendera en Plasma för att tillfälligt negera en poäng skada (oavsett typ). När du negerar skada markeras istället en hälsonivå med en prick, som i slutet av scenen omvandlas till en nivå krosskada. Då du absorberar en skada på det här sättet fylls såret av grumlig vit ektoplasma.
  • En sista utväg — Om du ändå står på dödens rand, blåslagen och illa tilltyglad kan du göra en av två saker för att återfå din hälsa.
    • Gamla döden — Du kan ta upp dödsenergi från Mementon. Du vidrör en sådan artefakt och lyckas med ett slag på Resolve + Occult för att återfå ett antal Hälsonivåer som motsvarar Mementots nivå x 2.
    • Nya döden — En Sin-Eater som avsiktligt mördar någon skapar ett band med dennes dödstillfälle och återfår därigenom sin fulla Hälsa, men förlorar en Synergi till följd av att hon utlämnat sig helt åt döden.


Dyrka lås

Tärningar: Dexterity + Larceny + hjälpmedel | Handling: Utdragen (2-12+ lyckokast, beroende på hur avancerat låset är; ett slag = en tur)

En väska eller ett dagboklås kan kräva två eller tre lyckokast, medan ett hänglås eller en ytterdörr kräver fyra-sju. Särskilda låsdyrkar adderar tärningar.


Åkalla spöke (Ghost-Calling)

Kostnad:** ●●● | Typ: Medial (2ndS)

Effect: Your medium is capable of more than merely perceiving the dead; he can summon them to his presence and even assist them in crossing over to the physical world. A sufficiently talented medium can call out to an existing ghost and draw it to his location. By doing so, he can also help the entity to “cross over,” aiding it in manifesting in the physical world or in using other ghostly powers that affect the material realm. Mediums who possess this Merit and Astral Projection (p. 36) have the option of physically interacting with ghosts and other beings in Twilight with the expenditure of a Willpower point. Ghost-Calling can only summon ghosts; other supernatural beings existing in Twilight are not affected.

Roll Wits + Occult for your character to make spiritual contact with an existing ghost. Not all deceased persons continue to exist as ghosts, and few ghosts persist more than a few decades after their demise. If a ghost is still in existence, the medium can potentially contact the ghost
wherever it roams. Once the connection is formed, the medium is considered to be a temporary anchor for the ghost, and it can instantly come to his vicinity from wherever it may be. If the ghost is unwilling to come to the medium, he can attempt to compel its attendance with a successful Presence + Occult roll versus the ghost’s Resistance in a contested action. Whether the ghost comes willingly or not, a Willpower point need not be spent for the ghost to travel to its new anchor. A medium cannot control a ghost in any meaningful way. A character with this Merit cannot automatically detect ghosts unless he also has the Death Sight Merit. If he does have that Merit, he receives a +2 bonus on all Ghost-Calling rolls.

When a medium forms a psychic connection with a ghost, the medium continues to serve as the ghost’s anchor for the duration of the scene. If the medium attempts to sever the connection early, a successful Wits + Occult roll must be made versus the ghost’s Power in a contested action,
unless the ghost consents to the severing. When a medium no longer serves as an anchor, a ghost returns instantly to wherever it was prior to the summoning. Severing the psychic connection does not harm the ghost in any way.

While a connection is in force, a medium is considered an anchor for all purposes. Thus, the ghost can manifest in the psychic’s vicinity without need for a roll. A medium may place himself in grave danger if he does not know with what sort of ghost he deals.

Slag: Wits + Occult versus an unwilling ghost’s Resistance to become a temporary anchor to a ghost (resistance is reflexive). Presence + Occult versus an unwilling ghost’s Resistance to forcefully summon one to the medium’s vicinity. Kostnad: 1 Willpower | Handling: Motstånd

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: A psychic connection is forged with some entity other than the one the medium sought. The medium may be unable to sever the connection or may even become a permanent anchor to a hostile ghost.
Failure: You fail to get more successes than the ghost. The attempt to contact or summon is unsuccessful.
Success: On a contact roll, more successes are rolled for the medium than for the ghost. The medium is considered an anchor for the remainder of the scene unless the effect is ended early. On a summoning roll, the ghost is compelled to come to the medium’s vicinity.


Den sista synen (Final Vision)

Slag: Psyche + Wits | Kostnad: ● | Handling: Utdragen (mål: 3 lyckoträffar) | Tidsspann: Ett slag per tur

Syndaätaren kan se vad den döde såg precis innan han dog. Dessa bilder är alltid från den dödes perspektiv, och utövaren ser varken mer eller mindre. Synen är självklart ljudlös.

Utövande: Utövaren måste röra liket och se in i de döda ögonen. Liket får inte vara mer än tre dagar gammalt, men ögonen behöver inte vara i gott skick. Blinda eller personer som dog i ett becksvart rum kommer inte ha några sista syner utan enbart mörker. Om ögonen är helt frånvarande från liket är ceremonin inte möjlig att utföra.


Fummel: Ögonen förtvinar och ceremonin går inte att försöka igen.
Misslyckande: Inget händer.
Framgång: Utövaren ser allt den döde såg under de sista sekunderna av hans liv. Utövaren kan återbesöka och spela upp bilderna igen men han får inte bryta blicken in i de döda ögonen.
Exceptionell framgång: Det är möjligt att se de tre sista minuterna av den dödes liv.


+2 | Liket är inte äldre än 1 timme.
+1 | Likets ögon stängdes eller täcktes för strax efter dödstillfället.
–1 | Denna ceremoni har framgångsrikt använts på liket tidigare.
–2 | Ögonen har börjat förmultna eller har angripits av fåglar eller insekter.

Fjärran röster (Distant Voices)

Kostnad: ●● | Slag: Psyche + Presence | Handling: Utdragen (mål: 5 lyckoslag) | Tidsspann: Ett slag per minut

Syndaätaren kan skicka ett kort meddelande och få ett koncist svar från en levande eller död person. Målet för frågan som om den lästs upp för dem och svarar rakt ut, utan att genast ifrågasätta varifrån rösten kom ifrån. Den som svarar behöver inte tala sanning och kort därefter börjar han antagligen undra varifrån rösten kom.

Utövande: Om syndaätaren försöker kontakta ett spöke måste utövaren vara på dödsplatsen, vid dennes grav eller en plats där spöket synts till tidigare. När det handlar om en levande person måste ceremonin utföras i en byggnad där denne lever eller har levat.

Utövaren skriver ett meddelande med penna och papper eller på ett tangentbord och vilar sedan pennan i handen eller händerna på tangentbordet så kommer svaret som automatisk skrift genom att spöket rör syndaätarens händer.


Fummel: Mottagaren får inte meddelandet men tror att någon är ute efter honom.
Misslyckande: Inget händer.
Success: Ett meddelande upp till ett dussin ord kan skickas. Mottagaren kan svara med upp till ett dussin ord.


+2 | Syndaätaren har tidigare talat med mottagaren. I detta fall förstår mottagaren vem rösten tillhör.
+1 | Utövaren använder skrivdon eller papper som tillhör mottagaren.
–1 | Utövaren känner inte till mottagarens hela namn
–2 | Bo- dödsplats eller grav har vittrat eller förändrats ansenligt sedan mottagarens hade en koppling till platsen.
–3 | Mottagaren lever eller är vandöd.

Leda vidare (Pass On)

Kostnad: • | Slag: Psyche + Presence | Handling: Utdragen (mål: 9 lyckoträffar) | Tidsspann: Ett slag i minuten

De flesta spöken som har lösgjorts från sina bojor (anchors) går vidare och försvinner för evigt? Men i vissa fall förblir spöket vilsen eller fast i "Twilight" eller "The Underworld" och oförmögen att evaporera av egen maskin. Syndaätaren hjälper ett sådant spöke att gå vidare.

Denna ceremoni hjälper syndaätaren ett villigt spöke utan några kvarvarande bojor att fridfullt gå vidare till vilket öde som än väntar. Det är en relativt enkel ceremoni i sig, då förarbetet tenderar vara det kluriga.

Utförande: Denna ceremoni kan enbart utföras i "The Underworld" och bara på spöken som saknar bojor och är redo att gå vidare. Syndaätaren kan muta, hota eller manipulera ett spöke att gå med på detta, men han måste få ett medgivande. Utövaren måste ha en del av spökets kropp, en ägodel eller åtminstone ett foto av när denne var i livet. Syndaätaren uppmanar spöket att vara beredd och bränner föremålet. Spöket tynar bort medan det brinner.


Fummel: Spöket fjättrar sig till en ny boja i den här världen eller skapar ett begär att förbli i "The Underworld". Man måste börja lösgöra bojorna på nytt.
Misslyckande: Ingenting händer
Framgång: Spöket förstår och accepterar sin destination in i intet.
Exceptionell framgång: Spöket seglar iväg med tacksamhet. Syndaätaren återfår en Willpower som ett resultat av den spirituella erfarenheten.


+3 | Spöket var delaktig i att lösgöra bojorna för detta ändamål.
+1 | Utövaren hjälpte spöket lösgöra bojor spöket fjättrats av.
–1 | Utövaren har varken en del av spökets kropp eller en ägodel.
–3 | Spöket hotas eller tvingas gå vidare mot sin vilja.

Tala för de döda (Speaker of the Dead)

Kostnad: • | Slag: Psyche + Manipulation | Handling: Utdragen (mål: 3 lyckoträffar) | Tidsspann: Ett slag per tur

Syndaätare tar det ofta på sig själva att hjälpa spöken med ouppklarade historier eller att förmedla ett sista budskap innan spöket kan gå vidare. Utövaren av denna ceremoni kanaliserar ett talat meddelande genom sig själv med spökets röst.

Mottagaren av meddelandet får inte se på syndaätaren. Ser denne på utövaren försvinner spökets röst som med en vindpust. (Det är mer specifikt talarens ansiktsdrag som inte får synas, oavsett form. En silhuett i mörkret eller en person under en potatissäck kan fungera, likaså kan ett telefonsamtal.

Syndaätaren kan inte förutspå vad spöket kommer att säga, det kan lika gärna vara ett kärleksfullt meddelande till en älskare som en harang av svordomar till en fiende. Utövaren kan avbryta kommunikationen när han vill.

Utövande: Syndaätaren tar spökets hand och koncentrerar sig på att slappna av och släppa sin röst och ge den till spöket i en scen eller tills han avslutar kontakten. Om en mottagare av meddelandet ser på utövarens ansikte upphör effekten och syndaätaren kan inte kanalisera spökets röst igen på 3 dagar.


Fummel: Utövaren tappar rösten i resten av scenen.
Misslyckande: Inget händer.
Framgång: Rösten framträder…


+2 | Mottagaren är medveten om sin delaktighet i seansen.
+1 | Mottagaren befinner sig vid spökets gravplats.
–1 | Mottagaren har sett syndaätaren den senaste timmen.
–2 | Syndaätaren och mottagaren har tidigare haft ett negativt möte.


Kalla vindens hinna

The Cold Wind Caul chills the Sin-Eater’s body. He always feels cold and slightly clammy, as if he’s been dead for several hours, and turns translucent and indistinct. The Sin-Eater adds his activation successes to any Stealth rolls, and cannot be detected on thermal imaging equipment.

Kalla vindens hinna ••

The Sin-Eater is blown by a cold wind rather than walking. He remains roughly two inches above the surface of the ground, and can walk on water just as easily.

Kalla vindens hinna •••

The Bound may drastically reduce his body temperature, freezing up to a gallon of water with a touch and dealing his Caul rating in bashing damage to any opponent he grapples.

Kalla vindens hinna ••••

This power renders the Sin-Eater as insubstantial as the air. He can reflexively spend two points of plasm to completely ignore any attack that occurs after his initiative.

Kalla vindens hinna •••••

The Sin-Eater merges with the winds. By spending two points of plasm, he vanishes and can re-form anywhere within his Caul rating in miles just a minute later. The departure and arrival point must both be outdoors.

Kalla vindens marionett

The Elemental Marionettes

The Elemental versions of the Marionette Manifestation works quite differently from other versions of this power. Instead of manipulating or shaping some other creature, thing or emotion, the Sin-Eater fashions a tiny homunculus from the spiritual remnants of a living being. In order to create a homunculus, the Sin-Eater must create a small fetish called a homunculus egg. The materials required for the egg vary according to the element upon which the homunculus is to be based. Air calls for the dying breath of a human being. Earth requires a handful of dirt from a grave into which a body has been interred within the last hour. Fire requires a handful
of ash from a cremated human body or residue from a human being who was burned to ash. Water requires a small quantity of water drawn from the lungs of a drowning victim or a like amount of sea water drawn from the ocean near where a person was buried at sea within the last few minutes. Once the Sin-Eater has acquired the appropriate elemental material, she must forge it into a homunculus egg by spending one point of plasm per dot of Size the creature is to have, as well as one permanent Willpower point. The Sin-Eater may not spend more plasm than his Elemental Marionette rating. The appearance of the egg varies according to the elemental type, as does the appearance of the homunculus it carries. Any type of egg will be able to fit inside a person’s hand easily.

An egg can be destroyed — each egg has Durability equal to the Sin-Eater’s Marionette rating and Structure equal to its Durability + activation successes. Destroying an egg ends the Manifestation automatically. While it endures, the Sin-Eater may invest the egg with a point of plasm at any time and cause the homunculus to emerge and do her bidding. While the homunculus is active, the Sin-Eater has total control over it and can perceive through its senses and speak through its mouth, but she must maintain constant concentration and can take no action other than to focus on the homunculus.

If the Sin-Eater’s concentration wavers or if the homunculus suffers enough damage to otherwise kill it, it automatically reverts back to a homunculus egg. It will also do so, wherever it is, at the end of the scene unless the Sin-Eater spends another plasm to maintain its activity for an additional scene.

Marionette Activation (Elemental Version)

Cost: 1 plasm per dot of Size + 1 permanent Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Marionette rating. Generally, there is no opposition roll, but if the deceased person whose body is used as the basis for the homunculus egg exists as a ghost, she may resist the attempt to violate her remains with a reflexive Resistance + Power rating.
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The attempt to create the homunculus egg fails. The ghost of the deceased used as the basis for the egg (regardless of whether the deceased was previously active as a ghost) is summoned to the area and immediately becomes hostile towards the Sin-Eater, who is treated as an Anchor for the ghost for the duration of the scene.
Failure: The attempt to create the homunculus egg fails.
Success: The Sin-Eater fashions a homunculus egg that can be used to birth a homunculus with the characteristics outlined below. The egg endures for a time period equal to one month per activation success, at the end of which the Sin-Eater may spend another permanent Willpower to preserve the egg for another term of the same length.
Exceptional Success: The Sin-Eater and homunculus are well-connected. While the homunculus is active, the
Sin-Eater can divert his attention away from directing its action for a number of turns equal to the activation successes before it collapses back into its egg. During that time, the homunculus will continue to follow its last instruction.

The basic characteristics of a homunculus forged with Elemental Marionette • are as follows: the creature starts with Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, and Size equal to the Sin-Eater’s Elemental Marionette rating. The homunculus will always use its creator’s Mental and Social Attributes, as well as her Skills (since it is merely an extension of her will and personality), but it suffers a –3 dice penalty on all Presence rolls due to its disturbing appearance. Each homunculus closely resembles the person whose death gave rise to it.

That is, a Grave-Dirt homunculus will resemble the person whose grave was disturbed to create the egg. Although the homunculus acts according to the dictates of its creator, it will speak with the voice of the dead person it resembles and often have many of its mannerisms and personality quirks so long as they do not interfere with the Sin-Eater’s control.

A Cold Wind homunculus is fashioned from a person’s dying breath. It looks like a tiny version of the dead person but with pale blue skin suggestive of cyanosis. Cold Wind homunculi have wings that allow them to fly at three times their normal Speed. Also, Cold Wind homunculi are very difficult to see and add the activation successes to all Stealth rolls. However, they are highly vulnerable to fire- or heatbased attacks, either of which adds a +3 dice bonus to all attack rolls. The egg for a Cold Wind homunculus is an ice-cold shard of glass etched with the face of the deceased person moaning in agony.

A Grave-Dirt homunculus is formed from the fresh soil of a recently interred body. It also resembles a tiny version of the deceased but with gray rocky skin and the constant aroma of decay. Grave-Dirt homunculi are stronger and more durable than other types, adding +1 to all Strengthbased rolls and gaining Armor equal to the activation successes.

However, they recoil from water which, in sufficient quantities, can turn their flesh to mud and destroy their material consistency. Water-based attacks inflict lethal damage on Grave-Dirt homunculi, and being totally submerged for more than one turn will instantly turn one back into an egg. The egg of a Grave-Dirt homunculus appears as a brownish-gray rock upon which is etched the image of the deceased.

A Pyre-Flame homunculus is forged from the ashes of a recently cremated body or directly from the remains of someone who was burned alive. It resembles the deceased but with black, crackled skin, and an ashy aroma. Like their Cold Wind cousins, Pyre-Flame homunculi have wings and can fly, though at only their normal Speed. Pyre-Flame homunculi are also totally immune to fire or heat-based damage.

Like their Grave-Dirt kin, however, these homunculi are highly vulnerable to dousing. Water-based attacks inflict lethal damage on Grave-Dirt homunculi, and being totally submerged for more than one turn will instantly turn one back into an egg. The egg of a Pyre-Flame homunculus appears as a lump of coal, uncomfortably warm to the touch, which smells of burnt flesh.

Finally, a Tear-Stained homunculus is borne of water either drawn from the lungs of a drowning victim or from the immediate area where a human body was buried at sea earlier in the same scene. Such homunculi usually have greenish-blue, constantly wet skin with jet-black eyes. Most also have webbed hands and feet. The homunculi can breathe underwater and can swim at triple its normal movement rate. If the Sin-Eater wishes, the Tear-Stained homunculus may have a fish tail in place of legs. Such a specimen can swim at four-times its normal Speed but can move at only half its normal Speed while on dry land. Like their Cold Wind cousins, Tear-Stained homunculi are highly vulnerable to fire- or heat-based attacks, either of which adds a +3 dice bonus to all attack rolls. The egg of a Tear-Stained homunculus is a tiny glass snow globe. If one looks closely, one can see that the “snow” appears to be made of fingernail scrappings.

When the Sin-Eater reaches Elemental Marionette •••••, the homunculus gains the potential for quasisentience.

In addition to Physical Attributes and Size, the homunculus begins with one dot in each of the Mental and Social Attributes, and the Sin-Eater may spend activation successes to give the creature dot ratings in Mental or
Social Attributes (on a one-for-one basis) or in Skills (at a ratio of three Skill dots per activation success spent). Such a homunculus can follow the orders of its creator without her constant supervision, allowing the Sin-Eater to focus on other things while her obedient servant carries out her wishes.

It is possible for one Sin-Eater to steal a homunculus away from its creator. To do so, the poacher must first acquire the egg and then attempt to harmonize it. The creator intuitively senses when such a theft attempt takes place and can resist reflexively. The creator can also sense the location and distance of a stolen egg with a successful Wits + Composure roll and can find it unerringly absent some type of magical occlusion.

Poaching a Homunculus

Cost: None but the poacher must have physical possession of the egg.
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Marionette rating (sentient beings usually have a resistance roll described
under each specific Manifestation)
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The attempt to steal the homunculus fails, and the egg’s true owner knows exactly where the egg is and who has it.
Failure: The attempt to steal the homunculus fails.
Success: The Sin-Eater acquires ownership of the egg but must immediately spend one dot of Willpower to reset the lifespan of the egg for a time span (based on the original activation successes rolled for the creator).
Exceptional Success: The new owner automatically gains control over the egg, which will endure for (activation successes) months without the expenditure of a Willpower dot.

Industriella hinnan

Skill: Crafts

Industriella hinnan förenar Syndaätaren och hans Gast till att bilda en bildlig sorts "Ghost in the Machine". Hon suddar ut gränsen mellan man och maskin och lär sig bli ett med mackapärer och införliva manicker i sin egen kropp. Dessa förmågor ger surrealistiska verkningar, och vetenskap får backa för den nya skolan: nekroteknologi.

Most powers of the Industrial Caul allow the Sin-Eater to meld with pieces of technology. Once she’s implanted a piece of technology, she adds her modified activation successes to her dice pool when using it. When using the Industrial Caul, she can’t properly relate to humans, suffering a –2 modifier to all Presence rolls.

Initially, the Industrial Caul allows a Sin-Eater to implant simple man-made items of up to Size 3 into his body. Every item costs a point of plasm to implant. Whatever she melds with cannot rely on electronic or chemical power sources. She can hide or reveal the objects as a reflexive action.

Industriella hinnan ••

The Sin-Eater can implant anything of Size 3 or below, including firearms and power tools. She can hold a total number of items in her body up to her Caul rating, though she can only use two items at once (extending each through one of her arms).

Industriella hinnan •••

At this level, the Sin-Eater may manifest all the objects stored within her simultaneously, growing extra “arms” (which appear as mechanical constructions) as necessary.

Industriella hinnan ••••

The character may meld with larger objects, up to Size 10 + the Sin-Eater’s Psyche. She can’t store any other items within herself while joined with a large device, and it costs two points of plasm to join with it. Her hands and legs flow into the machine while she controls it.

Industriella hinnan •••••

The Sin-Eater can store items within her body when bonding with larger machines, and reveal them as for Industrial Caul •••, though each item she grows an arm for costs a point of plasm.

Industriella marionetten

Skill: Crafts

With this power, the Sin-Eater exercises dominion over mechanical and technological devices, as well as crafted items such as furniture, building fixtures, and works of art. Any activation roll for the Industrial Marionette is subject to the dice modifiers listed under the Technology Level Modifiers chart on pg. 111. The basic activation roll simply allows for a form of telekinesis — the sympathetic link forged between the Sin-Eater and the affected object allows her to move it around the area at will. Unless combined with the Boneyard or the Oracle, the Sin-Eater must be within line of sight of any object he wishes to manipulate with this Manifestation. Some of the higher-level effects associated with the Industrial Boneyard duplicate the powers of this Manifestation, but industrial Marionette is usually cheaper, sacrificing range and versatility for efficiency.

With Industrial Marionette •, the Sin-Eater can manipulate any device or object up to Size 5. Each additional dot in this Manifestation adds +5 to the maximum Size. With Industrial Marionette •••••, the Sin-Eater can manipulate a device or object up to Size 25 freely, but he can also manipulate even larger objects by suffering a dice penalty equal to –1 per 10 points of Size to be manipulated in excess of 25. The Sin-Eater may only exceed the normal Size cap with the five-dot version. Unlocking the Industrial Marionette requires the expenditure of plasm equal to the minimum rating needed to affect the device based on its Size.

Once he has succeeded on the activation roll, the Sin-Eater can command the affected device to perform any of the following actions with no further plasm cost:

  • The Sin-Eater can turn any electrical or mechanical device on or off. This action can be performed reflexively.
  • The Sin-Eater can telekinetically manipulate the device as if he were exercising a Strength against it equal to the activation successes. That is, if the player had rolled four activation successes and the device could be lifted by someone with a Strength + Athletics pool of 4 or less, then the Sin-Eater could freely move the device through will alone. This action requires limited concentration — the Sin-Eater may undertake another action while moving the object, but he suffers a –2 dice penalty on the action.

The Sin-Eater also has access to the following additional power options, all of which require the expenditure of additional plasm:

  • If the activation successes exceed the minimum requirement for moving the device by 1, the Sin-Eater can slide it forcefully across the floor towards a target as an attack. The dice pool for this attack is Resolve + activation successes (– target’s Defense). If the activation successes exceed the minimum requirement for moving the device by 2, the Sin-Eater can telekinetically hurl the device towards the target, using Resolve + activation successes + object’s Size (- target’s Defense). Either form of attack costs 1 plasm per attack and requires total concentration and a full action on the part of the Sin-Eater.
  • While the Sin-Eater maintains concentration, she can cause the device to do anything that would normally fit within its design parameters, even if it could not normally perform such an action unaided. For example, she could command an electric vacuum cleaner to begin sweeping a floor, or she could cause a radio to produce whatever sound she wished or a television to show whatever images she desired. Using this power costs 1 plasm, and control lasts for a scene or until the Sin-Eater is distracted. If control is lost, the Sin-Eater must spend another plasm to reassert it. Generally, the roll for any such sophisticated activity is Wits + Resolve unless some other Attribute or Skill combination seems more relevant (such as Wits + Drive to operate a car through this power, or Intelligence + Computer to hack a computer system). Any actions performed with this power require a full action on the part of the Sin-Eater.

Dyrka lås med industriella marionetten

Slå först för att aktivera marionetten och betala plasmakostnaden.
Slå sedan för att Dyrka lås mentalt (Resolve + Larceny). Eventuella modifikationer:
+2 Du har tydlig insyn i låsets mekanik.
+1 Låset är bekant (du vet hur nyckeln ser ut, du har dyrkat det förut).
-2 Du ser inte låset tydligt.

Finally, at the ultimate level of the Industrial Marionette, the Sin-Eater may unlock this power:

Industrial Marionette •••••: Infusing the object of her attention with plasm, the Sin-Eater can overload it, causing it to explode violently. This power can affect only devices that are either electrical or mechanical in nature. The player spends 1 plasm per point of the targeted device’s Size, and rolls Resolve + Craft + (activation successes) as an instant action. If successful, the targeted device explodes violently, inflicting one level of lethal damage per success on everyone within (device’s Size x 3) yards of the device. Characters aware of what is happening may attempt to leap for cover as a reflexive action, with each success on a Dexterity + Athletics roll reducing the damage inflicted by one point.

Industriella ursinnet

Skill: Crafts
Key Defense: Durability
The Industrial Rage smashes and breaks the inanimate. This power is used against material objects rather than entities. The Sin-Eater unlocks the power and rolls to attack as usual, targeting the object’s Durability. Anachrotech penalties do not apply to this use of the Industrial Rage; it is no harder to destroy a modern piece of equipment.

An alternate use of this power is to channel the Sin-Eater’s Rage through a man-made item. By spending a point of plasm, the Sin-Eater may add his Rage rating to the dice pool of any attacks made with a man-made item, although
this bonus becomes subject to anachrotech penalties. (In order to gain the full bonus, for instance, the item must
have been manufactured before 1960.)

Kalla vindens ursinne

Skill: Occult
Key Defense: Stamina

The Cold Wind Rage chills its victims to the bone, carrying a spectral chill only the target can feel. In addition to damage, the Cold Wind Rage inflicts a penalty to Defense and Speed equal to the Sin-Eater’s Rage rating for the duration of the scene (not cumulative).

As the damage rises in lethality, the effects become more pronounced. Frost may form on the victim’s skin. A person slain by the Cold Wind Rage may have her heart frozen in her chest, or even leave a frozen corpse that shatters and slowly melts away.


Spelare — Jörgen
Koncept — Urmakande spiritist
Tröskel — De glömda
Gast — -
Scenarion — Veckor i en ballong
Inträde — Sakramenten i Dola
Citat — Så kuriöst…
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