Klaner [Masquerade]

Klaner - Vampire: the Requiem

Klaner - Vampire: the Masquerade

A character's clan is her vampire "family," the undead legacy into which she was Embraced. Vampires are always of the same clan as their sires, the vampires who Embrace them. Go back to Chapter Two, look at the templates, and decide which clan you'd like your character to be. As previously mentioned, the Storyteller may disallow members of certain clans based on the sect the chronicle involves. Many beginning chronicles, for example, allow only vampires from the seven Camarilla clans.

If a player wishes, she need not choose a clan at all. Many vampires in these modern nights have blood so diluted that they can truly claim no clan. Unwanted and scorned, these clanless "Caitiff' are increasingly common. If you wish to play such a character, simply write "Caitiff under the Clan heading on the character sheet.

Assamite — Dreaded killers and diablerists on a terrible quest for Kindred vitae, the Assassins have perfected the art of the silent kill.
Brujah — The Rabble are rebels and insurgents, fighting passionately for their disparate causes. The Brujah dream of a perfect society - for vampires.
Followers of Set — Corrupting and deadly, the Serpents are feared for their evil, yet sought out for their arcane knowledge and sinister gifts.
Gangrel — The nomadic Outlanders are feral and wild. These solitary wanderers are the source of much of the lore that likens vampires to dark beasts.
Giovanni — Insular and incestuous, the Necromancers ply their trade in blood, money and the souls of the dead.
Lasombra — The shadowy, wicked Keepers nominally lead the Sabbat. Clan Lasombra serves itself first and its inner darkness second.
Malkavian — Dangerously deranged and psychotic to a member, the Lunatics nonetheless possess uncanny insight.
Nosferatu — Disfigured and skulksome, the hideous Sewer Rats are forever barred from human society, but gather secrets from the darkness that hides them.
Ravnos — The nomadic Deceivers are masters of illusion and guile, malevolently working their tricks as they travel from city to city.
Toreador — Lovers of art and the aethetic, the Degenerates are trapped in the stagnancy of undeath. The Toreador are passionate and decadent, surrounding themselves in excess to stave off their encroaching malaise.
Tremere — A clan of sorcerous blood magicians, the Warlocks are widely distrusted…and just as widely feared.
Tzimisce — A clan of fallen nobles from the Old Country, the brilliant but monstrous fiends now serve the Sabbat. They wield the fearsome Discipline of fleshcrafting.
Ventrue — The reluctant aristocracy of the Kindred, the Blue Bloods atone for their damnation by enforcing the Traditions and the Masquerade.



Assamite antitribu — The Assamite antitribu consist of those Assamites who rejected the Treaty of Tyre and are not subject to the Tremere curse.
Brujah antitribu — The Brujah antitribu primarily differ from their Camarilla counterparts in degree. However, to the casual observer, there is relatively little difference.
Gangrel antitribu — Gangrel antitribu have actually split into two bloodlines: Country Gangrel, who are somewhat like their Camarilla counterparts, and City Gangrel, urban predators.
Lasombra antitribu — Lasombra of the Camarilla. Very few and dwindling in numbers.
Malkavian antitribu — The Malkavian antitribu are far less stable than the Camarilla madmen, so far gone it's not unusual for them to just be locked up until they're needed.
Nosferatu antitribu — For the Nosferatu, clan loyalty trumps sect loyalty, and thus despite however they may be categorized, there is no real distinction between Nosferatu on either side.
Ravnos antitribu — The Ravnos antitribu are noted for their almost total divorce from the culture of their clan.
Toreador antitribu — Toreador in the Sabbat are far more degenerate and sadistic, almost always incorporating sadomasochistic elements into their art.
Ventrue antitribu — Dark knights of the Sabbat, the Ventrue antitribu eschew the mercantile trappings of the modern clan in favor of military leadership.
Salubri antitribu — The newest and strangest antitribu branch. These violent soldiers are in a marriage of convenience to the Sabbat, as they seek vengeance against the Camarilla clans that abandoned them. The Salubri are likely the only antitribu group which outnumber their parent clan.
Serpents of the Light — The antitribu of the Setites, the Serpents of the Light adopt a voudoun-based interpretation of their clan's doctrine.


Baali — Baali are a bloodline of vampires associated with demon worship.
Daitya (Followes of Set) — Hindi Setites who worship Shiva.
Daughters of Cacophony — Currently composed entirely of women, the Daughters practice a discipline which allows them to invoke strange effects through singing.
Gargoyles — The Gargoyles are a bloodline created by the Tremere as servitors.
Harbingers of Skulls — The Harbingers of Skulls are a rare bloodline who surfaced in the Final Nights. Few Kindred suspect the truth about who they are.
Kiasyd — The Kiasyd are a very sedate clan, noted primarily for their fascination with ancient lore, their solitude and their impeccably good manners.
Nagaraja — The Nagaraja are unlike other Kindred in that they must consume flesh, making them among the most reviled and "unnatural" of the bloodlines.
Salubri — Composed of seven vampires at any time, the Salubri search for Golconda, enacting a bloody ritual of cannibalism when they achieve that state or despair of ever doing so.
Samedi — Originating most likely in the Carribean, the bloodline's members all seem to resemble a zombie or a corpse.
Tlacique (Followers of Set) —
True Brujah — As the True Brujah tell it, they were once a clan before a Brujah called Troile diablerized the clan founder. True Brujah are known for their mastery of time.


Cappadocian — Was a clan but are now considered a bloodline, since their usurpation by the Giovanni.
Lamia — The Lamia are a bloodline founded when Lamia, a descendant and high priestess of Lilith, was Embraced by a childe of Cappadocius.
Lhiannan — The Lhiannan are a territorial, druidic Cainite bloodline thought to be extinct. They believe they were created by "the Crone", a mysterious figure who may be the same Crone mentioned in the Book of Nod.
Telyavelic Tremere — Were influenced by pagan practices and arose in Lithuania. This bloodline took their name from the Lithuanian god of the dead, Telyavel, having split from rest of Clan Tremere seeking a cure for their vampirism.


Caitiff — Caitiff kallas ofta klanlösa, men det finns en skillnad: vissa nyinvigda lämnas därhän av sin sire och får aldrig veta vilken klan de tillhör. Dessa kan senare upptäcka egenskaper (klandisciplinerna, svagheten) i blodet som gör det möjligt för dem att kopplas till en viss klan, men tills dess kallas de ofta Caitiff. Klanlösa Caitiffs är antingen de som har så tunt blod att klanens egenskaper inte följde med (oavsett om man vet vem skaparen är eller inte) eller någon som helt enkelt aldrig lyckats identifiera sin klan. (En Caitiff med Auspex och Obfuscate och är "lite hispig" är troligtvis Malkav, men skulle lika gärna kunna vara Setit som råkar kunna Auspex.) Spelare till Caitiffs av den andra varianten får välja om deras utveckling följer en klans eller den klanlösa.
Panders — The Sabbat have their own society of "clanless," but for political reasons gave the group official recognition as their own bloodline, called the Panders.

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