Malleable Visage
A Fiend with this power may alter his own bodily parameters: height, build, voice, facial features, hair and skin tone, among other things. Such changes are cosmetic and minor in scope no more than a foot of height can be gained or lost, for example. He must physically mold the alteration, literally shaping his flesh into the desired result.
System: The player must spend a blood pointfor each body part to be changed, then roll Intelligence + Body Crafts with a difficulty of 6. To duplicate another person requires a Perception + Body Crafts roll with a difficulty of 8 instead. Five successes are required for a flawless copy; fewer successes leave flaws ranging from minute to glaringly obvious. The player may increase his Cainites Appearance trait with Malleable Visage, but the difficulty of the Intelligence + Body Crafts Roll is 10, and a botch permanently decreases the Attribute.
For those who do not habitually flesh craft themselves, these changes in Appearance are permanent. To Tzimisce and other rare Vicissitude wielders, Appearance can vary wildly from sunset to dawn. It is limited only by the Cainites imagination and his generational trait limit.
This power is similar to Malleable Visage, but it allows the Cainite to perform drastic, grotesque alterations on other creatures as well as himself. Only flesh (including muscles, fat and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed. The power is permanent on mortals, but vampires may spend blood points to heal the transformation.
System: The vampire must grapple or restrain the intended victim, and the player make a successful Dexterity + Body Crafts roll (difficulty variable: 5 for a crude yank-and-tuck; up to 9 for precise transformations under stressful conditions). Increasing anothers appearance is done as described under Malleable Visage. Reducing the ttribute is considerably easier (difficulty 5) though truly inspired disfigurement may require careful work and a higher difficulty. In either case, each success increases or reduces the Attribute by one, though the transmogrifying Cainite may elect not to use all his successes.
Players who wish their vampires to heal their disfigurements must spend blood points equal to the total successes, regardless of the total Attribute loss or gain. A vampire may use this power to move clumps of skin, fat and muscle to provide additional padding where needed. For each success scored on a Dexterity + Body Crafts roll (difficulty 8), the vampire may increase the subjects dice pool for soaking attacks by one, at the expense of either a point of strength or a health level, at the vampires choice.
Bone Craft
This terrible power allows a vampire to manipulate bone in the same manner that he shapes flesh. In conjunction with Transmogrify the Mortal Clay, this power enables the Cainite to warp a victim (or himself) beyond recognition. When used alone, it can inflict traumatic injury. Tzimisce often use this power to transform dogs and other beasts into slachta, monstrous war-ghouls used to guard havens or strike terror into foes on the battlefield.
System: When using this power in conjunction with Transmogrify the Mortal Clay, the player makes a Strength + Body Crafts roll (using the previously delineated difficulties). Cainite victims who wish to heal their disfigurements must do so as if they were aggravated wounds, even though no actual levels of damage were done. The Cainite may use Rend the Osseous Frame as a weapon, without the complementary flesh crafting arts.
Each success scored on the Strength + Body Crafts roll (difficulty 7) inflicts one level of lethal damage to the victim, as his bones rip, puncture, and slice their way out of his skin. Vampire victims may soak the lethal damage, but their bones are still warped and misaligned. This may cause problems with movement or sight for example, and putting the bones back is also treated as healing aggravated wounds. A vampire may use this power on himself or others to form spikes or talons of bone, either on the knuckles or feet as offensive weapons or all over the body as defensive quills. In the former case, the recipient takes one level of lethal damage. In the latter, the subject takes a number of levels of lethal damage equal to five minus the number of successes. (A botch kills a mortal subject, or sends a vampire into torpor.) This damage may be healed normally. Knuckle or foot spikes inflict Strength + 2 lethal damage in combat, while defensive quills inflict a hand-to-hand attackers strength in lethal damage unless the attacker scores three or more successes on the attack roll. (The quill-bearing defender still takes damage normally.) The quills also add two to all damage rolls for grapples or body slams.
The most fearsome attack possible with this power collapses the victims ribcage, piercing her heart with her own bones. While this does not send a vampire into torpor, it does cause the affected vampire to lose half her blood points, as the seat of her vitae ruptures in a shower of gore. Mortal victims die instantly. This attack must be declared before the attack is rolled, and it requires five successes on the Strength + Body Crafts roll to succeed. The victim still loses the blood points if she soaks all the lethal damage.
Horrid Form
The traditional war-form of the changeable Tzimisce voivodes is the zulo shape, a hideous monstrosity a full eight feet in height with sickly greenish-grey scaled skin and powerful arms tipped with jagged black nails. A row of spines sprouts from the zulos vertebrae, and the eternal carapace exudes a foul-smelling grease.
System: The zulo shape costs two blood points to awaken. All Physical Attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina) increase by three, but all Social Attributes drop to zero, save when dealing with others also in the zulo shape. However, a vampire in zulo form trying to intimidate someone may substitute Strength for a Social Attribute. Damage inflicted in brawling combat increases by one due to the jagged ridges and bony knobs creasing the creatures hands.
A vampire with this power can physically transform all or part of his body into sentient vitae. This blood is identical to the vampires normal vitae in all respects. She can use it to nourish herself or others, create ghouls or establish blood oaths. If all this blood is imbibed or otherwise destroyed, the vampire meets Final Death.
System: The vampire may transform all or part of herself as she deems fit. Each leg can turn into two blood points worth of vitae, as can the torso; each arm, the head and the abdomen convert to one blood point. The blood can be reconverted to the body part, provided it is in contact with the vampire. If the blood has been utilized or destroyed, the vampire must spend a number of blood points equal to what was originally created to regrow the missing body part.
A vampire entirely in this form may not be staked, cut, bludgeoned or pierced, but he can be burned or exposed to the sun. The vampire may ooze along, drip up walls and flow through the narrowest cracks, as though she were in Tenebrous Avatar form. Mental Disciplines may be used, provided no eye contact or vocal utterance is necessary and if a vampire in this form washes over a mortal or animal, that mortal must make a Courage roll (difficulty 8) or fly into a panic.
Blood of Acid
At this level of mastery, the vampire has converted his blood to a viscous acid. Any blood he consumes likewise becomes acid, which is corrosive enough to burn human (and vampiric flesh) as well as wood. This effect is particularly potent when the vampire assumes the Bloodform. One of the side effects of this power is the complete inability to create new vampires and ghouls, or give blood to another vampire - the acid would corrode them as they drank it. The obvious benefit, however, is that would-be diablerists are likewise unable to devour the Cainite's blood.
System: Each blood point that comes in contact with something other than the vampire himself does five dice worth of aggravated damage. If the vampire is injured in combat, his blood may spatter on an opponent - foes must make Dexterity + Dodge rolls to avoid the blood, which must be accomplished by splitting their dice pools. (Obviously, unless an opponent knows the vampire has this power, she's unlikely to split her dice pool on her first attack, which causes many Tzimisce to cackle with glee even as their own vitae sprays out of their bodies and disfigures their foes.)
Chiropteran Marauder
Similar to the lesser Vicissitude power of Horrid Form, the Chiropteran Marauder is a terrifying, bipedal bat, bearing a wickedly fanged maw and veined, leathery wings. This power confers all of the benefits of the Horrid Form, in addition to a few others. The mere sight of the marauder is enough to make mortals or weak-willed vampires flee in horror.
System: The vampire gains all the effects of the Horrid Form (see Vampire: The Masquerade, page 187). Further, the fluted wings allow flight at 25 mph, during which the vampire may carry, but not manipulate, objects of reasonable size. If the vampire wishes, the player may make a Strength + Body Crafts roll (difficulty 6) to extend bony claws at the ends of the wings, where the hands would be. These claws inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage. Also, the vampire subtracts two from all hearing-based Perception rolls (though he adds one to vision-based Wits and Perception rolls). Assuming the mantle of the Chiropteran Marauder costs three blood points.
The Cainite can form an opaque cocoon from blood and other fluids excreted from her body. The cocoon hardens after a few moments, turning into a tough, white shell shaped vaguely like a rounded coffin. This cocoon provides considerable protection to the vampire, even shielding her from sunlight and, to a limited degree, fire.
System: A vampire may only cocoon herself, and the process takes 10 minutes to perform. Additionally, creating a cocoon costs three blood points. The cocoon offers complete protection from sunlight, and provides a number of dice of soak equal to twice the vampire's normal Stamina (blood augmentation doesn't help) against all damage, aggravated or otherwise. It lasts as long as the Cainite wishes, and she may dissolve it into a pulpy, bloody paste at her whim, from which she emerges. A vampire contained within a cocoon may still use mental Disciplines, though they may still require eye contact or other conditions to be met.
Breath of the Dragon
The Tzimisce becomes like one of the terrible draculs of the Old World, able to exhale a deadly gout of flame. This flame does not hurt the vampire himself, though he may become trapped in flames that start if his fire engulfs flammable objects.
System: The flaming cloud affects a six-toot area, doing two dice of aggravated damage to any in the flames' circumference. This fire may cause combustible items to ignite, and it may ignite victims who suffer fire damage as per the fire rules on page 227 of Vampire: The Masquerade.
Earth's Vast Haven
This power, developed in the nights when the Tzimisce were the terrible masters of Eastern Europe, allows the vampire to sink into and disperse himself through the very ground itself. Unlike the Protean power of Earth Meld, however, the vampire actually dissolves his body into the ground; nothing short of a wide-area explosion can affect him, nor may he be dug up bodily. In addition, during the nighttime hours, the vampire may see and hear everything happening in her environment through his mystical connection to the land. The mere fact that this power exists terrifies many Tzimisce, who are secretly unsure of whether or not the diablerie of their Antediluvian was successful.
System: This power costs six blood points to activate, and it lasts as long as the vampire wishes to remain contained within the soil. As per the Cocoon, the vampire may use mental Disciplines that do not require physical solvency or eye contact. He may communicate mentally with anyone who wanders into the area under which he rests.