
The Discipline of Thaumaturgy encompasses blood magic and other sorcerous arts. Thaumaturgy is the unique possession of the Tremere and one of its most jealously guarded secrets. Certain Kindred rumors even speak of mystic cabals of Tremere that hunt down those thaumaturges who are not members of the Warlocks' clan.

Clan Tremere created this Discipline by combining mortal wizardry with the power ofvampiric vitae. Though its existence is not widely known by mortal mages and wizards, it is seen as a disreputable aberration of true magick by those familiar with it.

Thaumaturgy is a versatile and powerful Discipline. Like Necromancy, its practice is divided into two parts: paths and rituals. Thaumaturgical paths are applications of the vampire's knowledge of blood magic, allowing her to create effects at her whim. Rituals are more formulaic in nature, most akin to the ancient magical "spells" of bygone nights. Because so many different paths and rituals are available to the arcane Tremere, one never knows what to expect when confronted with a practitioner of this Discipline.

When a character first learns Thaumaturgy, the player selects a path for the character. That path is considered the character's primary path, and she automatically receives one dot in it, as well as one Level One ritual. Thereafter, whenever the character increases her level in Thaumaturgy, her score in the primary path increases by one as well. Rituals are learned separately, as part of a story; players need not pay experience points for their characters to learn rituals, though they must find someone to teach the rituals in question.

Path ratings never exceed Level Five, though the overall Thaumaturgy score may (higher levels of Disciplines will be covered in future products ).Ifa character reaches Level Five in her primary path and increases her Thaumaturgy score afterward, she may allocate her "free" path dot to a different path. Thaumaturges may create their own paths (through player and Storyteller collaboration) once they achieve the sixth level of Thaumaturgy.

Many vampires (wisely) fear the Discipline of Thaumaturgy. It is a very potent and mutable Discipline, and almost anything the Kindred wishes may be accomplished through its magic.

Thaumaturgical Paths

Paths define the types of magic a vampire can perform. A vampire typically learns his primary path from his sire, though it is not unknown for some vampires to study under many different tutors and learn all their secrets.

As mentioned before, the first path a character learns is considered her primary path and increases automatically as the character advances in the Discipline itself. Secondary paths may be learned once the character has acquired two or more dots in her primary path, and they must be raised separately with experience points. Furthermore, a character's rating in her
primary path must always be at least one dot higher than any of her secondary paths until she has mastered her primary path. Once the character has achieved mastery of the fifth level of her primary path, secondary paths may be increased to that level.

System: Each time the character invokes one of the powers of a Thaumaturgical path, the thaumaturge's player must spend a blood point and make a Willpower roll against a difficulty of the power's level +3. Only one success is required to invoke a path's effect - path levels, not successes, govern the power of blood magic. Failure on this roll indicates that the blood magic fails, while a botch signifies that the character loses a permanent Willpower point. Obviously, Thaumaturgy is not an art in which one merely "dabbles."

Vampire: the Masquerade

The Path of Blood (Blodets väg) - Den vanligaste vägen som nästan alla Tremerer lär sig först.
The Lure of Flames (Flammornas väg) - En fruktad förmåga med vilken man kan framkalla en onaturlig eld.
Movement of the Mind (Telekinesi) - Som namnet antyder, förmågan att levitera objekt med tankekraft.
The Path of Conjuring (Frammanandets väg) - Låter användaren trolla fram objekt ur tomma intet.
Hands of Destruction (Förstörelsens händer) - En väg som korroderar materia, eller förtvinar mänskokött.

Guide to the Camarilla

Elemental Mastery (Elementens väg) - Den här vägen ger dig makt över livlösa objekt och andarna i dem.
The Green Path (Den gröna vägen) - Ger magikern inflytande över växter.
Neptune's Might (Neptunus makt) - Påverkar vatten i alla dess former.
The Path of Corruption (Korruptionens väg) - Orsakar tillfälligt moralisk svaghet hos ett offer.
The Path of Technomancy (Teknomatik) - En relativt ny väg som har att göra med teknologi.
Spirit Manipulation (Andebesvärjandets väg) - Låter dig att tala med och bemästra varelser i andevärlden.
Weather Control (Väderkontroll) - En väg som förekommer inom många kulturer av blodsmagi.

Guide to the Sabbat

The Path of Mars (Mars väg) - En krigisk väg som förstärker ens färdighet i strid.
The Path of the Father's Vengeance (Faderns hämnd) - Syftar till att utbringa Kains hämnd mot sina egna barn genom att vända vampyrismen mot dem.

Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy

Alchemy (Alkemins väg)- Förvandling av grandämnen och förädling av materia.
Biothaumaturgy (Biotaumaturgi) - Experimentell väg som fokuserar på biologi och kraften att ge "liv".
The Focused Mind (Inre Fokus) - Förmåga att genom koncentration finna lugn och klarhet i problem.
The Hearth Path (Fristadens väg) - Diverse förmågor som ger kontroll och säkerhet i den egna boningen.
Mastery of the Mortal Shell (Marionettspelare) - Ger dig kontroll över ditt offers muskelrörelser.
Oneiromancy (Drömvävandets väg) - Spådomskraft via drömmar, samt påverkan av andras drömmar.
Path of the Blood's Curse (Blodsförbannelsens väg) - Intensifierar en vampyrisk förbannelse hos ett offer.
Path of Curses (Onda Ögat) - Förbannar en annan socialt och gör honom till paria i andras ögon.
Path of Transmutation (Transmutation) - Avart av Alkemi som påverkar samansättningen hos ett ämne.
The Vine of Dionysus (Dinonysos rankor) - Försätter offret i hallucinogen extas genom magisk berusning.
The Faux Path (Den falska vägen) - En komplex väg som imiterar Taumaturgi eller andra Discipliner.

Clanbook: Tremere

Path of the Levinbolt (Blixtens väg) - Samlar elektrisk energi till stötar eller blixtnedslag.
The Path of Shadowcrafting (Skuggvävarens väg) - En väg som förtrollar skuggor och råder över mörkret.

Cairo by Night

Soul of the Serpent (Ormens själ) - En väg som behandlar ormar. Behärskas av Tremereklanen i Kairo.

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